The Ravenmaster - Christopher Skaife
Review by Andrea
For the people that know me will know that I love the Tower of London and have been to the Tower countless of times. I have even been locked in, but that's a story for another day.
I got this book after watching the hit TV series on Channel 5 'Inside The Tower'. It follows what happens at the Tower both behind the scenes and in every day life. It gets close and personal to the Yoemen Warders that guard the tower and everything that goes into important ceremonies. When I heard that one of the 'Beefeaters' had written a book, I knew that I would have to read it.
This book is definitely different and not what I expected. It's written by Christopher Skaife, who is the current Ravenmaster at the Tower and it's his job to look after and care for the Ravens that live there. Everyone knows the legend that the Ravens carry, if the Ravens were to ever leave the Tower then the Monarchy would fall. This spins that story upside down as from reading it there is no real evidence as to were the legend actually came from.
I will admit that I am not the biggest fan of birds, I know the common birds you see in the garden but that is about it, so when I started this and it goes on about birds, mostly Ravens, in detail it all went straight over my head. But on the other hand it was actually interesting to read and learn about. Allowed to understand the difference between Ravens and Crows and some of the same birds that form part of the Corvid family.
There is also little stories about what the birds are like and some of their little habits. For example how they know how to steal food from the public, or how Merlina goes and sits with Christopher in one of the Warders boxes. Sadly not long before I read this book Merlina disappeared from the Tower, which when read the book is common for them when it's their time.
Something I found fascinating is the relationship that Christopher has with these animals. He knows how they tick, when they are in a bad mood or when they have had enough for the day. He has also found a way in which to communicate with them and will mimic their calls back to them. The had work that Christopher has done has really paid off, its allowed us to understand these birds a bit better.
This book has 29 chapters that follow what Christopher does everyday from get the Ravens up in the morning, cleaning routines, to putting them to bed at night. There is also little stories of what has happened during his time at the Tower, from the time he had to climb to the top of the White Tower to coax down Munin and Thor or the time he fell into a pit of stagnant water trying to get Merlina to bed. There is also little insights to Christopher's previous live in the Army and stories of what he used to do.
I know this book doesn't contain much history, but for me it's made me look at the Tower in a completely different way. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves birds, especially Ravens or those that love the Tower. I know the next I go I will pay more attention to these birds and the hard work that goes into looking after them every day of the year.
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