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The Last Tudor - Philippa Gregory

The Last Tudor Review by Andrea Rating 10/10 Philippa is one of my favourite authors and I tend to pre order her books as soon as I can, so much so I forget that I have then ordered them and surprise myself when they arrive. I have been reading her books for so many years and this is the first one that I have fully reviewed. Her stories are the first historical novels that I have read and out of all the authors and historians I read, I would love to meet her. The Last Tudor follows the last of the Tudor bloodline, the Grey sisters. They were grand-nieces to Henry VIII thanks to his sister Mary's marriage to Charles Brandon and their child Frances who married Henry Grey. The sisters, Lady Katherine and Mary Grey, were the younger sisters to the unfortunate Lady Jane Grey. These two sisters were the last of their family bloodline and both lived a rather complicated life just like that of their eldest sibling. The book starts just as Edward begins to become sick and his council looks

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